Psilos has been disrupting healthcare with innovative portfolio company venture investing since 1998. Psilos’s Managing Partner and CEO, Steve Krupa is a well respected thought leader in digital healthcare. But the world of healthcare venture capital executives is crowded. To promote Steve Krupa’s thoughtful perspectives about the industry, JJ&P approached digital health content and conference producers Healthegy with a idea of how to help them evolve their brand image while simultaneously partnering with a thought leader in digital health.
Together JJ&P, Psilos and Healthegy created a new podcast called “Breaking Health” that showcases the leading innovations and companies in digital health. Steve Krupa is the anchor with moderator Tom Salemi of Healthegy. The podcast begain in 2015 and has attracted hundreds of listeners globally.
Another marketing innovation of JJ&P’s and Psilos’ is the Psilos Annual Healthcare Outlook. In 2008, JJ&P’s Market360TM of the healthcare community discovered that no venture firm produced an annual analysis on the state of healthcare. JJ&P and Psilos began to produce the Healthcare Outlook in 2009 and have completed six Outlooks. The Outlooks delve into the most important healthcare challenges and trends of today. The Annual Outlook has been reported on by the Wall Street Journal, Modern Healthcare, The Health Care Blog and other prominent trade and business publications.